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Choose the Correct Area Rug Size for Your Room

The second-most important aspect (with the first being the style, of course!) in rug selection is size. The size and type of room and furniture placement must be taken into consideration. Be sure to measure your furniture, room, and open space before ordering a rug. The room will be complete with the right size rug.

These illustrations are only examples; there are infinite combinations of rugs and furniture. The experienced staff at RugStudio will be happy to assist you in finding the appropriate size rug for your space.

This rug is too small This rug is just the right size

Living Room To make the room look larger, show a border around the room’s perimeter. Placing your furniture over the rug can create a more intimate space.

Suggested Sizes:
5'x8' Minimum
8'x10' or 9'x12' Standard
Living Room In a dining room, the rug should be large enough so that when chairs are pulled out, they are still on the rug. This applies to round rugs also. Simply pull your chairs out and measure.

6 Chairs: 8'x10'
8 Chairs: 9'x12'
10 Chairs: 10'x14'
Living Room In a bedroom, a room-sized rug should be large enough so that one or two steps can be taken when getting out of bed.

Suggested Sizes:
8'x11' or several 3'x5' or 4'x6'

Still have questions about your rug sizing? Feel free to contact us; we'll be happy to help you choose the perfect rug.